New to UBC
We worship every Sunday morning at 11:00 AM in the sanctuary. UBC has a long history of liturgical worship led by our ministerial staff, the chancel choir, and lay leaders from the congregation.
Getting Around UBC
Our sanctuary is beautiful and historic, but we know that finding your way around can be a little confusing as a visitor. You may park in the Callaway House Parking Garage on Nueces St and bring your ticket with you for validation following the service. Follow the posted signage to exit the garage towards our campus. You may enter on Guadalupe St or via our accessible entrance on 22nd street. We have created maps below to help you navigate the building so you can find what you are looking for: parking, accessible entrances, elevators and more.
Have Children or Youth with you?
Children and Youth are a vital part of church life. We have programs for children of all ages 0-18. Childcare is provided during the Sunday Study and Worship times and we have sensory bags, tables with chairs, and rocking chairs in the back of our sanctuary.
Getting Connected
There are many ways to get involved in spiritual life at UBC. We offer several ministry programs, small group studies, and volunteer opportunities. You can sign up for our newsletter by clicking here or find out about opportunities by clicking here.
Have More Questions?
We know that you might have a lot of questions when visiting or joining a new church and we want to help you find your place at UBC. Feel free to call our church office (512.478.8559) or contact one of our Ministers or Staff directly.