Youth Group on Sundays
The UBC youth group (6th-12th graders) meets on Sundays after worship in the youth room. We engage in a variety of different topics and spiritual practices - from Lectio Divina, to scripture blackout, to church history, and everything in between! Contact our office or Katy Kammerdiener for more information!
Youth Camp and Retreats
Each summer, our youth attend an inclusive, justice-oriented camp. It’s a great time to bond, learn, and have tons of fun! We also participate in retreats and fellowship with other Austin area church youth groups.
Keep an eye on the church calendar for events and activities! Contact our office or Katy for more information!
Cultural Immersion and Service Learning Trips
There is much to be learned from immersing ourselves in cultures different from our own. As such, the youth participate in cultural immersion trips as opportunities for personal growth and Christian service in the world. For example, the UBC youth have traveled to Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico to work with the Ghost Ranch Youth Service Corps. The trip offered opportunities for service and learning among the indigenous Native American communities in New Mexico and a chance to disconnect from our busy lives to immerse ourselves in the Holy landscape of northern NM.
The safety of our children and youth is of utmost importance at UBC! There are always at least two background-checked volunteers present to supervise youth classes and events.
Contact our office for more information!